2,640 research outputs found

    Anomalous spin Hall effects in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells

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    Anomalous spin Hall effects that belong to the intrinsic type in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells are discussed. For the out-of-plane spin component, antisymmetric current-induced spin polarization induces opposite spin Hall accumulation, even though there is no spin-orbit force due to Dresselhaus (110) coupling. A surprising feature of this spin Hall induction is that the spin accumulation sign does not change upon bias reversal. Contribution to the spin Hall accumulation from the spin Hall induction and the spin deviation due to intrinsic spin-orbit force as well as extrinsic spin scattering, can be straightforwardly distinguished simply by reversing the bias. For the inplane component, inclusion of a weak Rashba coupling leads to a new type of SyS_y intrinsic spin Hall effect solely due to spin-orbit-force-driven spin separation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Switching off the magnetic exchange coupling by quantum resonances

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    We clarify the role of quantum-well states in magnetic trilayer systems from majority carrier in the ferromagnetic and all carriers in the antiferromagnetic configurations. In addition to numerical and analytic calculations, heuristic pictures are provided to explain effects of a capping layer and side-layer modulation in recent experiments. This immediately offers answers to two unexplained subtle findings in experiments and band-structure calculations, individually. Furthermore, it allows a more flexible tuning of or even turning off the interlayer exchange coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The behavior of real exchange rates: the case of Japan

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    The study examines the convergence rate of mean reversion by contrasting the estimated half-life of real exchange rate (RER). We employ an extensive monthly consumer price index (CPI)-based product price’s panel for Japan (the U.S. as the num´eraire). We find that the disaggregated RERs are persistent due to the cross-sectional dependence problems. By controlling common correlated effects, the estimated half-life for all goods may fall to as low as 2.54 years, below the consensus view of 3 to 5 years summarized by Rogoff (1996). After correcting the small-sample bias, the estimated half-life of deviations from purchasing power parity (PPP) increase by 1.03 year. Our findings also support that the half-life of mean reversion of RER is about 3.55 years for traded goods, about 0.11 year lower than non-traded goods. We also show that traded goods and non-traded goods perform distinct distributions of persistence
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